
Monday, March 28, 2011

The Beginning

Are you ready for this? I don't think you are. Your mind is about to be blown by the two possibly most awkward beings on Earth. This blog is going to be dedicated to the many odd situations we experience and whatever other random things that work their way into our brains. There will most likely be pictures, 'cause we're both artists of sorts. And hopefully you'll laugh, but we'll see. We're socially retarded. And maybe I shouldn't say retarded in case I offend someone? How about socially challenged? Okay? Okay. 

I might as well kick off this awesome blog by saying it's run by two females named Caitlin (I) and Lauren (the most hyperactive person I've ever met). You can safely bet the posts will be painfully random and might not make sense, but we can only hope that somewhere in the world, someone, some poor soul, will laugh. Gotta keep our dreams alive. 

Anyway, if you're reading this right now, it means you haven't gotten bored yet. Or maybe you are bored and that's why you're reading in the first place. Maybe you're stuck in this deathly spiral of boredom and you can't stop reading this crappy blog that isn't getting better at all and you're stuck, forever doomed to read the fail, and aaaahhh! But seriously, I hope you aren't rotting away in your computer chair and actually enjoying this. If not, I'm risking carpal tunnel for nothing. Do you want the carpal tunnel to be worth it? Then LAUGH. And comment about your LAUGHTER. 

Since I'm running out of things to talk about and my wrist really is hurting and I'm getting paranoid, I think I'll stop rambling and leave you to your own devices. (Like commenting?) Subtle begging, me? What? Get outta here! (But seriously, stick around).

- Caitlin

This is a picture of Lauren and me drawn by myself. All of our pictures will likely be drawn on MS Paint because we're lazy and simple like that.


  1. Hello, I was threatened into laughing.. please help me.

  2. Threat? Why never. I was just suggesting. Forcefully. (:

  3. Well that was quite wonderful. Or at least it has the potential to be. When the real posts actually begin :D

  4. It's perfectly normal to feel threatened when reading such mind-blowing literature. (: just OBEY.


    (The above was Caitlin, btw, if you hadn't noticed.)

  5. Zac: When the real posts begins, I dunno if anyone's gonna be able to handle it, it'll be so face-meltingly awesome ;D
