
Friday, July 8, 2011

The Top Hat League!

By day they are ordinary bloggers... By night they are...


So the other day, we decided it was extremely necessary to figure out what kind of super heroes we would be and post it on the blog. So the following passages will be the development of our epic crime-fighting super selves. Prepare to lose your socks.

Step One: Powers
Lauren - Spreading Happiness
That one was definitely an easy one to figure out. If you know Lauren, she pretty much already possesses this power. But her super hero self magnetizes the happiness and basically infects the entire area with an atomic bomb of joy. 
Caitlin - Sonic Scream
You might have learned from a past post that I am more than a little on the jumpy side. We decided to take my epic ninja reactions and turn my high-pitched screams into sonic glass-breaking, eardrum-exploding waves. So yeah, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to come up behind me and say 'Boo!' anymore.
Step Two: Names
Three: Costumes
Credit to Lauren for the picture and design. 
Step Four: Arch Nemesis 
The evil... Baseball Cap! DUN. DUN. DUNNNNN.
Get it? 'Cause we're The Top Hat League? Harhar?
Her power is the evil use of BAD GRAMMAR. I know, it's awful.
Feel free to describe your own super hero self in the comments!

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