Have you ever woken up with the urge to become someone you're not? Someone who is cool? Someone who is popular? Someone who knows the latest music? Someone who puts matching socks on in the morning...? ....Well that's sad; and I can't really help you. But I will give you tips on how to be like Caitlin! (Which is way cooler) (:
This is how to make you're hair look like Caitlin's. This isn't a very important step, but still useful to look as much like Caitlin as you can.
Now that you look like Caitlin (and you're half-way cool)... On to the next steps. (:
Caitlin ALWAYS makes good grades. It's because she's a super genius. It's okay to feel inferior.
During this step feel free to play a little french horn, or talk to your boyfriend.

This is fun for people like me who come up behind her and yell "BOO!" It makes me feel scary. :3
Now how to act like Caitlin at home. This is a vital step to fully transitioning into a Caitlin life style.
And now you're JUST LIKE CAITLIN! (but not as cool. that's impossible.)
Random Dialogue of the Day!
Lauren: *Doodling*
Caitlin: What are you drawing? o:
Lauren: Look! :D you!
Caitlin: Awh, haha. What's on my shirt...?
Lauren: A wolf. :3
Caitlin: Lauren, I've told you this...I don't own a wolf shirt...
Lauren: ...
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