
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Lack of Disinfectant

Finally, the day we've all been waiting for... and no, it's not Christmas. Or your birthday. Well, it could be your birthday... depending who's reading this. If it is, happy birthday! I'm sorry for not getting you a present, but chances are I really don't know you that well! (You can count this blog post as your present). Anyway, the day we've all been waiting for... the beginning of hottest months of the year, when you swim in your pool/your friend's pool almost everyday, and put off your summer work until the last week before school! It's... SUMMER! (Woot, rainbow! (Isn't it convenient 'rainbow' has exactly the right amount of letters for R.O.Y.G.B.I.V.? (Double Woot! for parentheses within parentheses within parentheses!)))

We wanted to to share what we have experienced at the beginning of this lovely time of year. Some of it has been sad, some of it has been uncomfortable, but it was most of all slightly disappointing! Not really, it's been fun. 

We decided at the end of the school year to give each other small gifts. Caitlin received Wolfe first, a tiny little stuffed wolf, whom she so lovingly named Wolfe. Here's a wonderful depiction: 
 Lauren was given a spray germ-x that resembled a pen; she was extremely excited about it. (No surprise there). 
First, we tried squirting the germ-x out, all excited and stuff... but then... it wasn't working...
We decided to unscrew the top to see what evil thing was blocking our joy.
It..was... empty. Needless to say, we were thoroughly disappointed...
The thing is, the bottle advertised that it had 70+ sprays of Germ-X. Someone had to have sat in the CVS store where Caitlin bought it, and sprayed that Germ-X over SEVENTY TIMES. Darn you, Evil Germ-X Spraying Super Villian!

Well, we're going to go enjoy our summer now! Be expecting more blog posts, hopefully! Oh, and we apologize for the lack of them the past couple of week. Don't harm us!

P.S. Here's a picture of us enjoying summer, in a typical beach-like setting:


  1. It makes me quite sad that this says to expect more blog posts and there have been exactly zero. ://
