
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to be like Caitlin

Have you ever woken up with the urge to become someone you're not? Someone who is cool? Someone who is popular? Someone who knows the latest music? Someone who puts matching socks on in the morning...? ....Well that's sad; and I can't really help you. But I will give you tips on how to be like Caitlin! (Which is way cooler) (: 
This is how to make you're hair look like Caitlin's. This isn't a very important step, but still useful to look as much like Caitlin as you can.
Now that you look like Caitlin (and you're half-way cool)... On to the next steps. (:
Caitlin ALWAYS makes good grades. It's because she's a super genius. It's okay to feel inferior.
During this step feel free to play a little french horn, or talk to your boyfriend.
Yep...just chilling...


This is fun for people like me who come up behind her and yell "BOO!" It makes me feel scary. :3

Now how to act like Caitlin at home. This is a vital step to fully transitioning into a Caitlin life style.

And now you're JUST LIKE CAITLIN! (but not as cool. that's impossible.)

Random Dialogue of the Day!
Lauren: *Doodling*
Caitlin: What are you drawing? o:
Lauren: Look! :D you!
Caitlin: Awh, haha. What's on my shirt...?
Lauren: A wolf. :3
Caitlin: Lauren, I've told you this...I don't own a wolf shirt...
Lauren: ...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kitty Monkeys

**We're going to write in third person, so don't get confused. We just don't want it to seem like one person is writing everything.

Deep inside the wondrous land of Caitlin's French Horn lies a strange world filled with curious creatures... called Kitty Monkeys... 

Okay, for real, we found some stinking animals inside of the French Horn. Living. Animals. The interior of it is pretty gross, but seriously? Of course Lauren decided to keep a black fuzzy one and now they won't leave us alone. They eat our socks. We can never find a matching pair now, and Caitlin... forgot what to say, so... anyway - freaking unmatching socks! 

Caitlin... (okay, we can no longer write my name. We just forget what to say. My new name is Carl). (CARL CARL CARL CARL - Lauren).

Alright alright, back to the post. That got off topic quick.

Carl was seated in band one fine morning, when a particularly adventurous Kitty Monkey wandered out of the bell of Carl's French Horn. 

 So yeah, it freaking appeared out of nowhere. It was all like, "Sup?" And Caitlin went all, "WTF?!" speaking the letters aloud and everything. 

In other words, Caitlin was shocked and startled at this strange new species. Since this creature was invisible to everyone but her, no one else noticed --

Dude, Italics. You are so boring. Can't you spice things up a bit? You should have said, "The creature was invisible, so pretty much everyone thought she spontaneously came down with Schizophrenia and--" 

Excuse me for having a broad vocabulary compared to your inconsequential intelligence. Your use of short words and slang is indicative of a lesser capacity of mind. 

... I lost you at inconsequiltpotato or whatever it was that you said. I might not be able to understand your big words, but at least I'm fun!

I beg to differ, you--

Guys, please, can we get on with the post?!

Yeah, yeah sorry. 

I apologize. 

Thank you.   

So. Anyway. I think this would be a good time for a scientific diagram! 

**If you are interested in adopting a kitty monkey, please contact us (in the comments preferably) and we will set up a delivery to your pocket ASAP**